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About us

Family hotel Záviš z Falkenštejna **** in centre of Hluboká nad Vltavou, just a few steps from the state castle Hluboká , offers its clients accommodation in 28 comfortably furnished rooms. Visitors can use a non-smoking restaurant with children's corner, smoking restaurant , summer terrace, covered terrace and romantic wine Šatlava. Besides accommodation , we also offer the possibility to organize wedding receptions and other family celebrations , seminars or workshops. According to your request, we will very happy to process menu and completely take care of the entire organization planned events. For our guests we have a bicycle wheel, to which you add the bicycle map with course selection paths. Our guests can park for free at the hotel.

We are members

The czech association of hotels and restaurants

Civic association, professional and non-political organization AHR was founded in 2006 and its main objective is to support entrepreneurs in the field of hospitality and gastronomy. It aims primarily at the areas of legislation and lobbying, at the preparation of new legal measures we advocate adjustments that may contribute to a better business environment.

logo AHR ČR

Czech Chamber of Commerce

Czech Chamber of Commerce represents the business community in the Czech Republic and promotes its interests. Its mission is to create opportunities for entrepreneurship, promote and support measures that contribute to business development in the Czech Republic, and thus the overall economic stability of the state.

logo AHR ČR


Do you have questions, comments or suggestions? Contact us and we will be happy to answer everything.

Tel: +420 387 966 666
GSM: +420 775 966 666
Email: info@hotelzavis.cz
Náměstí Čsl. armády 25
Hluboká nad Vltavou, 373 41
GPS: 49.0505N, 14.4367E

Hotel Záviš Hluboká s. r. o., nám. ČSL. armády 25, 373 41 Hluboká nad Vltavou
OR vedený K. S. České Budějovice, oddíl C, vložka 7337
IČ: 25167031, DIČ: CZ25167031, datová schránka: mqtv34v

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Hotel Záviš z Falkenštejna v Hluboké nad Vltavou hodnocení