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Boat ride

Do you want to get to know Hluboka from a different perspective? Embark on the river in a cruise ship.

Českobudějovická plavební a.s.

Boats are adapted for travel agencies, business events and banquets, suitable for weddings, celebrations and parties and private persons. In addition to regular trips and connections you can order cruises from Budweis, sailing through the chamber in the České Vrbné, to final destination Hluboka or vice versa. Boat trips can be connect not only with a tour of the castle Hluboka, but even with a visit to the zoo. You can sail on Altona, Malse or Vojtěch Lanna ships.

More information can be found at official website.

Jihočeská plavební - passenger shipping

Jihočeská plavební would like to offer regular sightseeing cruises on the Vltava river from April to November. Cruises offers a view of the natural beauty that are otherwise hidden by the Vltava River. For visitors there are prepared 3 sightseeing circuits. On offer there is an opportunity to use the boat for transport to Purkarec, possibly from Purkarec within the adjacent bike path. Oliver ship sails regularly in scheduled times on trace Hluboka – Hamry. In Tyn nad Vltavou city we can offer cruises on the confluence of the Vltava and Lužnice river.

More information can be found at official website .


Do you have questions, comments or suggestions? Contact us and we will be happy to answer everything.

Tel: +420 387 966 666
GSM: +420 775 966 666
Email: info@hotelzavis.cz
Náměstí Čsl. armády 25
Hluboká nad Vltavou, 373 41
GPS: 49.0505N, 14.4367E

Hotel Záviš Hluboká s. r. o., nám. ČSL. armády 25, 373 41 Hluboká nad Vltavou
OR vedený K. S. České Budějovice, oddíl C, vložka 7337
IČ: 25167031, DIČ: CZ25167031, datová schránka: mqtv34v

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